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时间: 2017-02-10 14:19 来源:小皮手游网我要评论

















    (On many occasions, I have said such an example, hand tour in 2013 has just begun to erupt, in the year CJ, CEO of a hand tour company from Shanghai to Wuhan to find the opportunity, but the original four-day trip was Shortened to 2 days, in his summary, the arrogant attitude of hand-travel channels and 80% of the start into the proportion of his discouraged impressed.

  In 2013, between the channel and the CP, 5/5 into the start, even so, this is also limited to a very small number of months at the current water can reach 2000-3000 million phenomenon-level products. The more common model is divided into 3/7, channel to take 70%, and the remaining 30% by the CP and the issuer to share.

  In a forum that year, the blue-Hong Kong CEO Wang Feng has said that within three years to keep the 5/5 sub-account is the golden tour of the travel line, you can let the company developed a more healthy health products, when the blue-Hong Kong's " Sword "is currently on the water is 22 million, can be regarded as top products.

  Logically speaking, the game has a high degree of content-oriented, the channel should not be in this game which occupy much of the right to speak. We can take video to example, in the film and television industry, has always been only video sites, major TV contention for quality content, such as a Hollywood blockbusters, certainly between the major video platform bidding for each other, and can not occur Producer to compromise and a platform to cooperate.

  This is because the content-oriented reasons, the user is more because the movie came to your platform, not because you video platform to give me what the movie, I see what movies. This is so far, the video platform is still high in contention for high-quality content for the reason.

  Belong to the content of products, hand tour has appeared in the opposite situation, the main reason is that at that time the hand travel industry belongs to the early development.

  Channel hegemony reasons: product excess, homogenization of serious demographic dividend)





  数据显示,在2013年当年,卡牌手游占据了手游市场65%的市场,在AppStore 2013年Top50榜单当中40%是卡牌。同质化严重,换皮成风,直接决定了渠道的强势地位进一步加剧,成为了完完全全的霸权主义,渠道给不给量,成为一个产品是否获得成功最重要的因素。



































(  "Domestic mobile games are currently being developed as much as 5,000 models are expected to enter the test of about 3,000, while the total number of domestic mobile phone players was more than 100 million people, the average hand can travel to each share of less than 30,000 users," in 2013 CJ forum, touch technology CEO Chen Hao Chi expressed his concern for the hand tour industry.

  Small to 4-5 people, large to hundreds of people, only in 2013 a year, there are thousands of hand tour business was born, there is such a joke, a residential building, 10, 9 is the hand tour business team . Compared to the end travel, page travel, hand tour at the time of light capital favor, an ordinary hand tour, from project to research and development, may be just 100 million is enough.

  These entrepreneurial team, part of the opportunity to see the hand tour, a few people from the big companies to jump out of business, in part, before the end of the tour, the page tour but did not succeed in the continuous entrepreneurs, and some may be before the game From no intersection, just know a little programming code on the light on the card. If a large number of entrepreneurs, massive products will channel pushed to a strong position, then more serious is that 80% of these products, or even 90% of the existence of a problem, homogenization.

  One of the most representative is the card, with the "big head", "My name is MT" success overnight overnight, the hand travel market began to collectively transferred to the card, this combination of the strategy of casual games, Pay pit, in line with the fragmentation of mobile phones, do not need complex operations, for skin can be used, for hand tour developers, simply can not be perfect.

  Data show that in 2013 that year, the card hand tour accounted for 65% of the market hand tour market, in the App Top 2013 Top50 list of 40% of cards. Homogeneity serious, change the skin into the wind, directly determines the channel's strong position further aggravated, has become completely hegemonic, the channel to not give a volume, become a product is the most important factor in the success.

  Of course, in addition to these reasons caused by the CP own channel hegemony, the channel itself has a reason, a massive "demographic dividend."

  According to the "China Game Industry Report" data, in June 2013, the number of Chinese hand-travel users is 170 million, by the end of 2013, this figure exceeded 300 million, just half a year's time, growth nearly doubled. Compared to the end of the tour, the essence of hand travel is popular, the development of the end of 20 years, the number of users will be more than 100 million, but the hand tour in just a few years time, more than several times the endorsement.

  A large number of non-gaming core users to enter the world of hand travel, this part of the user how to select the game on this no purpose, as the first generation of Internet users rely on hao123 such sites Daquan, they will follow the channel's recommendation to go, At that time the channel, the peak time, millions of such users every day, these users are directly channel to the high price of a CP sold.

  Holding the hands of such a rich resources, channels of natural right to increase.

  Hegemony, the hard core is not the reason

  However, such a situation began in 2015, some gradual changes, and in 2016 intensified.

  According to 360 results show that in 2014 360 Internet value-added services revenue (mainly from the gaming platform business) grew 141.9% to 611.2 million US dollars. Q1 2015, Internet value-added services revenue was 1.337 billion US dollars, an increase of 7.1%, down 20.1%, Q2 (announced last privatization before the data can be checked) is 122.2 million US dollars, down 16.4%, the chain fell 8.6 / RTI & gt;

  It can be seen, from 2015 onwards, to maintain rapid growth of the game business growth began to slow down or even backwards. Channel hegemony began to show signs of collapse.

  Of course, there are voices that lead to similar Baidu, 360 this type of channel down the reasons there are hard-core alliance, in the chain of mobile phone distribution, terminal> OS> ROM> App Store> Phenomenon App, such as millet, Huawei These hardware mobile phones directly from the terminal cut.

  With the mobile phone manufacturers for the past few years the importance of revenue for the content, application distribution this one is gradually beginning to force, in 2015 is led by several mobile phone manufacturers to set up a hard-core alliance, their emergence, cut a large part of Baidu their market, many users with the change after the phone, will choose to use the phone directly to the store to download.

  In other words, the original belongs to 360, Baidu's market is millet, Huawei and other began to erode, leading to similar Baidu, 360 such channels began to weaken, but the overall distribution channels of third-party market size is still very impressive.

  However, we found a problem from the data, the official data from the millet: January-June 2015 developers divided into 580 million yuan, 2016 January-June, developers divided into 600 million.

  You can see, compared to 2015, 2016, millet in the developer into the data and not much growth, and this growth is not the background or millet in June 2015 from the 20 billion total download surge to 2016 June's 50 billion total downloads in the background.

  It can be seen, in fact, whether it is 360, Baidu, or millet, Huawei, in fact, in the application of this level of income distribution are affected, that is, the entire third-party distribution channels have begun a rapid regression, Leading to the results of the reasons and the development of Chinese hand travel market inseparable from the relationship.

  Market monopoly, hair force official uniform, the channel's future worrying

  In 2016, mobile games to 17.7% year-on-year growth, 81.92 billion yuan in revenue, 49.5% of the market accounted for complete overtake of the end, the end of nearly 20 years of hegemony.

  It seems that everything is fine, a huge cake is still in a certain growth rate, the temptation is full, but the real situation is the opposite, in 2015, the oligarchy presented in the trend of increasing in the year.

  Company level, following the 2015 Tencent and NetEase both eat Chinese hand travel market close to 55% market share in the context of the first half of 2016, the two accounted for about 65% market share, taking into account the second half of the "yin and yang Division "in 2016, the two giants are expected to eat 70% of the market share, or even higher, close to the monopoly.

  Product level, TOP10 hand travel product revenue reached 35.76 billion yuan, accounting for 43.7% of the overall hand travel market share, which 10 products, only a "asked" non-Tencent, Netease game.

  This monopoly is brought about by the increasingly difficult situation of small and medium CP, living space is infinite squeeze, but this is only one hand, the other is the channel by a huge impact. When the market high-quality products are highly concentrated in the Tencent, Netease two giants, when the giant, Xishanju, perfect, and so the end of the era of choice and Tencent cooperation, for the channel, their premium began to rapidly lower.

  The lower the back, is the content of hand travel content began to enlarge, with the disappearance of the demographic dividend, hand travel users unlimited approaching the overall mobile Internet users in China, channels of new user growth began to slow down, the daily distribution began to decline , The channel at some point embodied similar to the above-mentioned "hao123" navigation effect is no longer significant.

  New users tend to grow close to the old, the user began to upgrade the old, in the choice of products with subjective selectivity, more often by word of mouth spread among users, or choose a quality assurance manufacturers produced.

  Compared to the official service, channel service activity is often open service that period of time, and then began to gradually change the official service, the official uniforms, For the ghost suits, the other at the event, the official service compared to the channel service is also more important, whether it is in the game's stability, the game environment, the game update speed, and game account security, Uniforms have an advantage.

  In fact, as early as 2013, the grand "King Arthur million" once for various reasons, to bypass the channel, with official service this model, at the time achieved very good results, but later because of immature, and follow-up Fatigue. But now, with the user, the market gradually began to mature, this approach is considered the future of hand tour, that is downloaded from the official channels, enjoy the official service, rather than third-party channel services, which is somewhat similar to the year Of the end tour, all from the official network channels.

  According to some unofficial data show, "Onmyouji" players in 50% of the official uniform, the other 50% in the channel service, and NetEase's another game "Mini Journey" Andrews channel revenue 95% from NetEase Their official service channels. Compared to the channel for the product only to recognize the flow of water, KPI, obviously, the official will see more long-term, similar to the recharge rebate popular among the channels in the model, the official attitude has been a clear blow to ensure the game playability and Life cycle.

  As NetEase Ding Lei said, perhaps the channel can support two or three streams of products, but the real first-class products for the channel's dependence has not been so serious.

  Netease, Tencent Department of such giants do not worry about whether the channel will be back on the product, their products can complete the flow of self-transformation, more often the channel will be seeking these two manufacturers of their products on-line channels.

  The most profound is that early in 2016 that will be the "Royal War" on the line, almost all third-party channels for a product to do as much publicity, 360 this out of the S-level resources, Baidu, UC Nine travel, etc. have also been so, at all costs. The logic is that the channel began to become extremely dependent on a good product, because the only way to retain the user, as if the major shopping malls even if the loss should introduce some manufacturers reasons. In other words, from the initial channel diversion, to rely on high-quality products to drainage, or preservation, and then realized through other products.

  This is why the Baidu game has more than a billion water, but it is difficult to make money the main reason, but also the 360 ​​earnings which the game's revenue from the decline in 2015 again and again the reason.

  The real high-water top products, channel premium is not high, the share of the profits can be minimal, even at the expense of making yell-like introduction of top products, and some can get high into the products in the water but unsatisfactory. At this time, hand tour began to gradually like the film and television industry, video platform for high-quality film and television works, in order to attract users, to retain users.

  Channel hegemony in 2013 in front of just three years time, the passage of time, restore in front of us is a channel is gradually collapsed the status quo.

  Baidu game is about to be packaged for sale is just one of the pea pod insistence eventually lost to the reality of choice in the middle of last year 200 million US dollars selling Ali is also a good example of another from 2015 onwards, 360 select from distribution involved , In 2016 issued a series of "Magic City", "Lost City Story", "Saint Seiya: rebirth", the sword of God domain "Black Swordsman", "Big Fantasy" is its three.

  Now, the question left to the channel, in a highly mature market, high-quality products near monopoly, manufacturers have turned to their own official channels, the third-party channels are necessary to exist?

  When the user in the choice of products, the first choice of manufacturers, large production, the second straight to download the official website, the third-party channels seem to be no need to exist, the user has completed the self-stratification, quality users into quality Channels, light, casual users into the channel service.)

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